Wilbarger County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

I have been offered from a leasing agent staying in Vernon,Texas on behalf of Anschultz: $175.00/acre,3/3 year term and 1/5 Royalty. This prime

agricultural farm is just 2 miles outside the city limits. Any comments or knowledge of comparibles?

It’s very similar to my mothers with anschutz. Lease amount you were offered was 25 more than my mothers. Same years and 1/5.

My mother was offered the same with Anschutz north of Vernon in White City.

I hear that the rig is down on the well Anschutz was drilling just northeast of Vernon on the McDuff lease. Does anyone know if that well was successful?

Rig is still up on the McDuff lease. I drove by it today.

Thanks Susie,

Clint Liles

Thanks, Susie. I appreciate the update.

The Sunday Vernon Record says that Anschutz is meeting with Wilbarger County Commissioners to discuss leasing the mineral rights to the County Airport.

I have just joined the group and thank you for the great information. Clint & James your post are very informative. I have received a lease proposal from Anschutz and am reviewing. It expires next week. Has anyone had Anschutz pull their offer after the first 30 days?

Welcome Pace. Good luck with your lease.

Thank you James. Speaking with Anschutz later this week and this is the first lease negotiation assisting my dad. Any guidance?

I am afraid I can not be much help. My mom leased her land to Anschutz recently, but she did not do a lot of negotiating. She was happy with what they offered. It took a while before she actually got her bonus check, but it eventually came.



Thanks Wade, good information for future reference.

Thank you James and Wade. Had a good conversation with Clint as well.

Does anyone know if the mtg with the airport has happened? If so, the outcome? Thx.

Is any one other than Anschutz leasing in Wilbarger County at this time?

Clint Liles

Not that I've heard of, but the horizontal well that was just completed at Northside was drilled by Tradition Resources. Wouldn't that have to have been a relatively new lease?


Thanks for the quick response. The drilling permit for the Fargo Unit well # 1508 H was approved in August of 2012. I have tried to find a completion report on The Fargo unit 1508 H but so far I have not been successful. Everything is a secret. I was hoping Tradition Resources would travel farther into Wilbarger County and do some more exploration. Anschutz needs some competition for sure.

Link to the Fargo Unit 1508H well


Clint Liles

Thanks Wilson.

Clint Liles