Update on Eagle Ford Shale

my family has acreage in webb county…14 miles west on Mines Rd…call me if interested Karen
Scott C. Suffel said:

Lease Bonuses really are dependent on a lot of things in South Texas. I have heard people signing for $1200.00 with a 25% royalty for all depths. A few months ago, a gentleman in Webb county signed for $250.00 an acre and 25% royalty, but that was only for the shallows. If you are in a prime area, and have all depths open, then I'm sure the bonuses are far north of 1200.00 by now. If you are just now being approached, then you are probably out of the "prime" area. However the "Prime" area keeps expanding. If you know of anyone in Webb County that has open acreage, please let me know. My firm will pay top dollar for their lease.


How far north is your firm drilling?� Would you be interested in leasing 600+ Acres in Zavala County?



Scott C. Suffel said:

Lease Bonuses really are dependent on a lot of things in South Texas. I have heard people signing for $1200.00 with a 25% royalty for all depths. A few months ago, a gentleman in Webb county signed for $250.00 an acre and 25% royalty, but that was only for the shallows. If you are in a prime area, and have all depths open, then I'm sure the bonuses are far north of 1200.00 by now. If you are just now being approached, then you are probably out of the "prime" area. However the "Prime" area keeps expanding. If you know of anyone in Webb County that has open acreage, please let me know. My firm will pay top dollar for their lease.

It's been a number of years since I created this post and Burns Land Co. dropped me like a hot potato when the natural gas prices dropped. Now that the price is now closer to $5, are there any land men interested in getting a lease on our mineral property? The information below is what I originally posted.

Our property is listed as Refugio County School Land Co. Survey #7, A-397. It consists of a pool of 290.7 acres. Our last lease expired in April from Milagro Exploration but they only drilled down to the Austin Chalk formation. Even so, their production was consistent which leads me to believe that there is even more hydrocarbons available in the source rock of the Eagle Ford Shale.

If there is someone who could give me some feedback on this area I would appreciate it.

My favourite post on this entire website!! Excellent *wiping tears from eyes*

Phase Dos said:


Quit drinking the kool-aid and stop trying to sell it here. Gasland is a load of BS and if you believe that crap you might as well assume Oliver Stone is a historian and not a film maker. The facts in Gasland have been completely refuted by several government organizations. See here for the response from the COGCC:


If you want to sell that hippie propaganda, I suggest you grab your banjo and hop in a VW bus en route to San Fran. The people here are hard working Americans that want to see their energy produced, purchased and used from and in the USA. Isn't that better than giving it to the America hating countries to the east?

If anyone is concerned about their water, add a water well testing provision to your lease. If you don't trust the operator, call the COGCC. They will test it for you for free. Yes...free!

In closing, I would like to say God bless the USA which is the ONLY country in the world that minerals can be owned by private everyday Joes like you and me. That's a fact.

Steve said:
PLEASE FOLKS!! I understand the excitement of your possible windfall of "found money" and I realize all the freedoms and possibilities that may be provided to you by these, but before you make YOUR decision please watch the documentary "Gas Land"..…
Thank You