Tonkawa unit 1 H

Mr. Fritz, I told it to you over a year ago one of the Schlumberger computer room workers said to me "you own mineral rights in that area? I said yes, not a whole lot but some he said "well you might not see it, but your children and grandchildren will that Tonkawa is one hell of a good gaswell. You didn’t believe me but I’m always positive. Yeee haaw

Well then, let’s hope my info is correct. That’d be one hell of a wildcat!

It’s official. Fritz nailed the number.

How about letting us know what your source says about February?

Tonkawa January 2019.pdf (66.9 KB)

It’s a little early, Dusty1. Probably around the end of the month.

Fritz, keep up the good work brother. You hit it nail on! Fritz do you speculate they may drill from the Tonkawa pad in other directions? I heard EOG Resources going to Spud a well on the Ben Chovanec place southwest of Ellinger also moving north of the Tonkawa around Shelby they have 5 locations picked out the Goebel property near Shelby first. Pretty reliable sources told me that this morning.

Can anybody tell how much liquids they are selling?

A few comments higher up this page is a link for the production report.

Through January along with 1.1 BCF of gas EOG has reported a total of only 44 barrels of condensate produced, 43 barrels last July and 1 barrel in October. So they are a long ways from making their first tanker load.

Anybody else get a request to permit geophysical operations on their place? What is a typical payment per acre?

Are you close to I-10 and Weimar tx or east of Weimar tx are you west of Weimar tx

Our property is about 400 yards from the Tonkawa site.

Don’t have any information on what’s being paid in your area but in Washington County I’ve recently heard $20 to $25 per acre.

If you haven’t been through this before there are some additional provisions that are probably logical to try to get added before you sign a permit.

Thanks, Dusty1. We accepted.

Fritz, heard any insider news on the production of Tonkawa unit 1H in February? You nailed January production can you do it twice?

Not yet. A little too early.

Ok. We’ll stay tuned. Thanks :blush:

Anyone know who is shooting the seismic in the Tonkawa area? Any word on EOG drilling more wells? The clock is definitely starting to tick on their lease block.

Diversified Land Management in behalf of Seitel Data offered us a contract at $20 per acre.

February production RRC is showing for Tonkawa is 520,827 mcf, or average of 18.6 mmcf/d. No condensate.

Great number but on a per day basis a 15% drop from level EOG reported in January.

Fritz, wonder if your source could say if there was any downtime in Febuary that might explain that large a drop from previous month?

Can someone tell me how many acres are in this unit?

Cindy, it’s 1,240 acres. Any future wells in the unit if successful all the mineral rights owners within the boundary of the 1,240 will get a share of the pot. In other words unless the Tonkawa has a short life span all the owners in the 1,240 acres you can say out of approximately 660,000 acres in Colorado county…those folks hit a lottery jackpot!