Section 1-4-6

Any updates on the Sheridan well in section 1-4-6 and will royalty owners in section 1 recieive the earnings if any?

Thanks in advance

Is this the well that Chesapeake drilled some time back or is this a new one?

Michael, the rig is gone... 3 oil storage tanks have been set. I don't think they have fracked yet. We royalty owners will get to share in the $$$. As you know, Ward Petroleum has 3 old wells still in production in section 1-4n-6w. Ward signed some kind of agreement/contract with Sheridan to further develop the section. I couldn't tell if the gas line they were laying was for that well or the well north of section 1 (also a Sheridan well).

Sheridan drilled thru several formations, but will not produce the Woodford. That belongs to Marathon. Marathon needs to get busy and drill some more wells in section 1. I finally got a direct deposit from them on the 25th of April.

This well is being drilled by Sheridan production company, well spud was 2/15/2014 and the name of the well is kate 2-1.

Nothing by that name in sec 1 4n 6w in Grady county. Check your description to see if it's correct.

Yep, John... it's there...

This is good news. I didn't know 4N 6W had any production. Wish they would get down to Section 29.

Thanks for the replys. Don, I got checks from marathon in mar and april. They just sent me the interest check last week. I have been getting checks from those ward wells for years. Those were drilled when my dad was still alive. I think maybe humble oil drilled the original wells. They drilled a lot of those deep wells in the 60s. My dad played that oil boom then and kept track of it.

Went down to dads today. There are a bunch of frac tanks set, a couple of trucks waiting to set a couple more... a crane is onsite and getting things setup over the Christmas tree. Should be fracking before long.

Still no frac trucks on the Kate 2-1 location. The crane left, but is now back. My best guess is about 45 to 50 frac tanks now, with 35 of them sitting on the old Kate 1-1 wellsite... about an outfield to home plate throw away.

Thanks for the info.

Any new info. on this well. Thanks in advance.


Sheridan used Cudd Energy Services to frac the well and then a workover rig to run in the production tubing. In between that the two frac tanks they were using for flowback caught fire. The Volunteer Fire Department got the fire out with only damage to the frac tanks. The workover has been gone a week or so.

Entrance to the Kate 2-1

4 oil storage tanks and the gas separator on the Kate 2-1

A couple of frac tanks for flowback are still on location.

Thanks for the info. I hope this is a good one. take care


Don: any inside info. on that Sheridan well? I have been watching that okla. corp site but no test data yet. Oh, I bought a new bad bad boy mower yesterday, I should get it this week.


You rascal you... I want a bad bad boy mower! No new news on the Sheridan well. I sure hope they can just use Ward's records for the division orders and fast track the royalty checks. I hope it will not turn out to be another Marathon. I think I will call them and see if they will tell me anything. Enjoy the bad bad boy mower!


Thanks, I will, I mow about 2 acres and have been using a finish mower behind my tractor.

take care
