Sunday, January 29, 2017 I find in my mailbox and unexpected contract from ARC that was not in my mailbox at 6:15 pm Jan. 28, 2017.
Opening said package I find a lease contract from ARC in regards to land "I own" in Ritchie County, WV. News to me. As if I am not having enough problems with ARC over the handful of dirt I "inherited" in Doddridge County!
Looking over this contract lets me remember what I have been through with the Doddridge contract. First off, this new contract covers 42 acres, "...lands being situated on the waters (???Land situated on water???) of Brush Run NFHR in the District of Clay, County of Ritchie, State of West Virginia." Parcel numbers are 3-9-6 and 3-9-7.
The contract seems to claim that I had acquired (the land) by Will dated September 22, 1967. That date has no meaning to me. Further into the same paragraph it FALSELY STATES "It being the purpose and intent of Lessor to lease...." How could I I decided to lease property I did not know I own???
Whomever wrote this contract, it is clear they DID NOT have my interests in mind (yes, I am acting "dumb" as I know it was written for a party I will refer to as "ARC".)
On down it is indicated that I am "willing" to share production cost (involving bringing the gas to the surface, transporting, storage of said gas). Maybe they sent the contract to the wrong person??? I want no relationship with ARC and they and their lawyers know it!
No where in this contract do I see a reference to Third Party Liability, and that, if no other reason, makes the contract UNACCEPTABLE! There are several other areas not mentioned in this contract that I have been fighting in the Doddridge contract(s).
Like I stated above, I find WV gas contracts a source of humor. Maybe "they" do not think it is funny, but as I have stated on this website before, I care less about the gas that "may" be under this land. It has been there for some time and is causing no harm. I have no intentions of bringing the gas to the surface and selling it. And now for the "stinger", if someone wants to bring the gas up and sell it the only contract I will agree to is, "AS IS, WHERE IT IS!"
I will put it out here in the open, ARC has a bad safety record in Doddridge County, WV for the last six years, why would I want to become involved with the in Ritchie County (I have not checked their safety record in that county yet). And then there are also the problems the corporation has caused my extended family living in the western US states, such as Colorado.
I see ARC as an undesired tenant, I have no idea if I am the sole owner of this "inherited" property, how much of the stated 42 acres is in my name, who requested that ARC be involved, etc., etc., etc. Some people reading this probably see nothing but $$$ being offered, I see Legal and Financial obligations I am neither prepared or willing to tackle.
So, does anyone reading this know any background in regards to what is currently happening in regards to these two parcels? Does anyone know what has happened in regards to these parcels before "now"?
I would really like to be brought up to speed. RCR 2/6/2017