Ritchie County, WV. Here we go again!

Finally, some useful information. She is my mother's mother and the only true connection between myself and the Ritchie and Doddridge properties.

Now I have to find out how my mother's will came to be filed in Ritchie Couty, WV. She was born in and always a resident of Central Ohio. I handles her estate and there was no mention of this in the related paperwork. The lawyer who handled the paperwork was working for me on my case against the State of Ohio (I attract law suits without any effort on my part) and he never mentioned anything about WV property. And yes, I won the law suit against Ohio and my name is now on an Ohio law. Cost me $975 legal fees just to receive the $1800 unemployment funds I was due. Add to that the cost of taking the ex-employer to court, as did the employee who replaced me (same paperwork from the employer with my name replaced with his), and the employee that replaced him (same thing with the paperwork). Now do you understand why I have no interest in court cases? RCR 2/25/2017

Thank you!

I think someone in your grandmother's family must have known about some Ritchie county connection. Her daughter Cosma Phillips is the one who filed it in Ritchie County in 1973. I can look into this some more later this evening.

I believe I have said that most lawyers will at least talk with you for free to determine if they can help you. And I have read that most lawyers can help with the lease negotiations and be paid by the bonus money, waiting until you get paid before they get paid.

If you were to sell it, that would not cost you anything, I expect, since the attorney would get paid by the buyer, or something. Anyway I think a free phone call would be a good idea.

Cosma died with a problem with her memory. Her daughter Karen seems to have done "something" with the information her mother had on WY but did not bother to tell her cousins. That's how my mother's family worked, always keep the relatives out of the picture and let it be a surprise when something like these lease contracts come about.

She is also the only one who bothered to exchange any info with me in regards to WY until she made the remark about how horrible it will be to have to pay Federal Income taxes on the 15% royalty she would be getting on these leases. When I informed her that she mis-read the contract as the term "you" meant ALL of the 200+ co-owners collectively, she stopped exchanging info with me.

I may have mentioned that my dad's family did not approve of him marrying someone with a family linked to WV and what's going on now with these contracts explains why they took that stand.

But as I have often pointed out on this board, Antero is claiming the other co-owners are claiming I am the sole reason the others are not receiving royalty payments. Yet none of these parties have taken the time to contact me directly to help resolve the "problem".

In other words ARC is pitting everyone against everyone else and reaping the rewards while parties like me loose money needlessly.

Thanks again for the enlightenment.

RCR 2/25/2017 (checking out for today.


As always, you are a wonderful source of information, I think you must have been a government agent at some point in life, you have ways of gathering insight.

On behalf of many on this site, thank you for always being willing to share your abilities, I know that type of research is not easy to come up with, that it costs money and takes great amounts of time to secure.

If some are not willing to thank you, I shall on behalf of them.


Nancy, I also want to thank you for the many times that you have helped me. Your time and effort toward helping all who ask is unbelievable, believe me it is greatly appreciated. You and I have been on this forum what seems like forever, and we try to answer all who want our help, but sometimes we hit a brick wall, this seems to be one of them, Good Luck to Roger, I hope that he finds peace and answers FROM SOMEONE, it's really up to him.

Thanks WV Mineral Owner. I have learned a lot from this group and like to share what I know and have learned, when I can.

Thanks Arnold. I think Roger is on the right path, trying to find out. This is a complicated situation, and he seems to have been hit hard by Antero. Made more difficult by lack of a computer at home, as he says.

We can keep helping him as best we can. He'll find a way forward.

Agree that their timing is really terrible. I think they try to do too much with too few people which is not the best way to do business.

Mr. Roberts, I found that your grandmother Flora Harris owned at least 1/7 (maybe 1/6, need to check) of the interests of her father Ebenezer B. Griffin. This included oil and gas on 88 acres. I think the acreage that the lease covers is part of this. I need to check some more. This goes back to 1866 when E. B. Griffin was deeded this. I hope that helps a little.

I am unable to obtain legal help from lawyers here in Central Ohio. They as a group refuse to become involved with WV gas/oil contracts as they find WV's laws "foreign" (and they question the legality of some WV laws). But a few have advised me to take legal actions against those who signed the contract during the nine months that Antero started to pay for contract signing and the first notice I was sent by Antero in regards to the Doddridge property.

It appears that those people who made the decision for ALL of the parties that "inherited" parts of the property by thinking only of their selves, or, only of the "MONEY!!!"

Being taken to court by Antero will only add to financial problems I am having in Ohio through which I am slated to loose the only house I have ever lived in because of lack of employment (my work actually went to Chia) and health problems.

When that court action is finalized I will have lost everything.

To those who have been following my posts, MONEY IS NOT "EVERYTHING". Having relatives who sign anything that suggests they will become rich without thinking of the problems it will cause the others in the family amounts to outright punishment. There is a saying that the "Welch" need to think things through before taking action. That doesn't apply to this family whose roots are in Cymru, a.k.a.("Wales"). RCR 2/27/2017

That is only more bad news. The two properties in which I am having with Antero belonged to her uncles, not her father. Looks like I am waiting for the "third" shoe to drop. RCR 2/27/2017

Roger, I researched your posts about this Antero situation, and it looks like they go back to December, 2016. It appears to me that with so many people offering their help ... FREE ... that you could have used all this time and manpower, in some way, help you settle this issue.

Also, I think it sounds odd that the group of Central Ohio lawyers would make those comments about WV laws. Did any Ohio lawyers that you spoke to, offer to take on your case?

And yet, you don't want to sell your mineral interests because it might "slight" those who "thought only of themselves? And you're losing your house?

You appear to be a man with many problems.

Good luck,


Guess you did not see my post(s) that it is not the people who are offering me "help" but the people who did bother me to inform me I was a part owner of the property they decided to lease to Antero. I recently stated on this board I am facing foreclosure on my home here in Ohio because of health and lack of work problems. I have no money to hire a lawyer!

Here in plain simple English I will state once again: CENTRAL OHIO LAWYER WILL NOT TAKE ON LAW SUITS INVOLVING WV OIL/GAS MINERAL RIGHTS. They "politely" state that they find WV laws on those subjects to be "foreign" to use a polite term. In reality they question the legality of those laws but are not licensed in the state of WV to help anyone who become victims of those laws and parties such as ARC.

They are now telling me that once the courts in WV rule against me that I have the grounds of taking out a law suit against everyone who did sign the contracts. The grounds would be that I did not know of my property ownership because my realities didn't bother to tell me and as a result I did not have the funds to protect me against loosing my home.

What I would "gain" by selling my mineral rights would not cover my debts that are leading to my loosing my home. The risk of being forced to take on liability that comes with signing the ARC contracts is simply too much of a risk to take on.

IT IS THE LACK OF $$$ that has put my currents position. My work physically went to China because Americans buy their junk and not that produced by people living in the U.S. and now suffering from the lack of income. It is my health problem that the VA has dragged on for years without helping and the lack of $$$ to go to a private doctor that is not helping me.

People who have EVERYTHING to lose are the people who stand up and fight back! Why do I try to protect the others? Maybe, MAYBE they will learn what their selfless acts are doing to other people.

By the way, I learn via the evening news that the supply of natural gas in the US is well beyond what is needed in the fore seeable future. The next day I received in a the mail that it is predicted that my natural gas rates will increase 48% in the next year.

What did that man say, "It is greed, folks, pure greed". (At least the current US president gives useful quotes...)

Other then the need to clean up a few details, such as where I need to file, I decided to join the game and sue the other co-owners for acting "in my interest without my knowledge or permission".

When a person states they and only they will receive 15% royalty without giving a thought towards the fact that if that was true what will the other 200 + co owners receive, that is an indicator that that party signed a contract WITHOUT understanding the terms and condition of said contracts.

But in what state do I file the lawsuits???

RCR 2/27/2017 (Just realized I have not paid my gas bill for this month....)