Major County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Major County, OK oil & gas discussion group. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.

Anyone know of any leasing being done in 22n-10w

My mother has a small mineral interest sec 24-22-10. I have received several calls on these minerals in the last few weeks. Does anyone know anything about this area and why the sudden interest?


I just found this info about the Mississippi Lime Play, as it's called, which is a new hotbed of possible oil and gas pockets:

More info here:

You can find info for yourself at any number of sites by Googling "Mississippi Lime"

The new horizontal drilling techniques along with increases in gas/oil prices are opening up more opportunities for production. And, as you'll see from the map below, Major County borders on the south to the Mississippi Lime Play:

Received an offer $500.00/acre 3/16 with 2 year option to renew in Sec 20, 20N 10W. I will not play ball with that.

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Good Morning Guys, Our family has Mineral interests in Major County...At present we have 3 different offers from 3 separate oil and or landman brokerage companies...Properties included are in Section, 1, 2, and 11... My question is not necessarily particular to one of these properties but to the royalty in general...In Texas, where I'm from, everyone here is getting 1/4 royalty and that seems to sound absurd to the operators in Oklahoma...Everyone is on 3/16...Has anyone successfully negotiated a higher residual...I thank you for your time and input...

Anybody dealing with Cold Snap for a lease agreement? The number I was given for this Eric Stucky is no longer working. Any thoughts on this???

Penny, I was contacted by Cold Snap interested in Sec 1-22N-10W by Aaron Tanner...cell (405) 513-2598...I hope this helps...Good Luck..

anyone know of any leasing activity around Seiling, ok

My name is Troy Curtis, a landman, with Concho Land Company in Freedom, OK as well as Oklahoma City. I thought while times are slower, I would offer to help with any questions people may have in general and post my email, for any and all questions. I also wanted to offer our services for individuals in need of mineral research or help with production related concerns in all Oklahoma Counties and the surrounding states.

House Bill 2177 is being discussed in the Oklahoma House right now, and it impacts royalty owners. It's worth the time to read and listen to this.

Mineral owners: provides daily Completion Reports and Permits to Drill on the left hand column under the same name.

All other well information for your county including Spud Reports, ownership changes, permits to re-drill, etc, can be found under Royaltiy Owners Corner, also on the left side.

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I am looking for the location of Katie 29-2 in Major county. Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thank you.


It is located in the center of the NW/4 SE/4 of Section 29-20N-10W.

So, from Okeene, take highway 8 North, and head North about 4 County roads, (~4 miles) then take a right. After about ~1.5 miles East bound, you'll see an intersection of access roads that is closed off by two cattle fences. The access road on your left would be the access road to the Katie 29-2.

If your not from the area, then navigate to Google Maps. and past these exact coordinates in the locate field: 36°10'44.42"N 98°17'19.68"W

If you are looking for the well information try the following link:

You can view the imaged well history by entering the number 09322581 into the API field at the following link:

If you are seeking production history try:

Then click the circle next to search by PUN and enter: 093-045123-1-0000

If you are looking to see who owns the well, then look up Book 1924 Page 581, and you'll find where Centaur Resources, Inc obtained the the majority interest in the Wellbore only of the Katie 29-2 as of January 1st, 2016.

Hope this helps.

That book and page being in Major County Clerk records of course.

Thank you R Story, I appreciate it you taking the time to pull this information together for me.

Any news or recent activity in SE/2 of Section 29-20N-10W. Katie 29-2 is currently in that 320 spacing unit, but they have plans to drill a new horizontal this year.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Any help…see below?

Anyone receiving any offers in the mail to lease or sell that they can share? I would love to do something with my interests in Major, but haven't been in the loop or receiving offers. Im in 20N-13W and 20N-12W. Thanks!

Hello all, I live in California currently, and inherited mineral rights from my Native America relatives in Section 17-21N-16W and also Section 8-21N-16W in Major County. There is some interest from Armor Energy and was wondering if any adjacent locations are experiencing interest and if anyone else in that proximity are producing oil or natural gas. Appreciate any information as this was from my deceased father's side and he never kept any of the kids informed. Thanks in advance.