Logan County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Kunal, LOL! Thanks for posting.

I have a recent well in 25-19N-2W, I was wondering if anyone had a estimate/knowledge of ball park time span of these H wells, or maybe could direct me to a agency that can, if this is even possible to determine . maybe Devon or OCC?

Todd, The life span of the H wells is dependent upon many things-geology, operator, completion techniques, additional drilling, reservoir, etc. That being said, the main productive life of the wells is usually within the first two-four years. Some of these wells will last at lower productive, but predictable rates for up to 25-30 years. The other thing to consider is the multiple drilling possibilities within a section. Additional drilling may decrease (or not) the production from a particular well, but overall, increase the production in the whole section. Lots of factors to consider, so hard to give an exact answer.

Thanks M Barnes, so the well that is in my section now is on the west side of the section, they could put another well on the east side possibly?

Stephens bought out some of Slawson’s production in Logan. Time will tell…. You should get a new division order. Make sure the royalty interest is correct.

Does anyone have a reason why my operator has changes from Slawson to Stephens? Also and insight if this is good or bad? :slight_smile: 26-17N-3W

Todd with the technology of horizontal drilling, the geogoly of multiple payzones in the shale there is a good possibility of six to ten wells. There are many areas in the Woodford shale in Okla. already with at least 6 wells also in the Scoop play in Grady and Stephens counties there is a section that has 10 wells by the end of this year and that has happened in a 4 years time span.

The price of oil will influence the economics of drilling and hopefully prices will eventually recover.

I see thank you.

Linda, In O/G biz there’s always the squeeze play. A well that receives $100 bbls and has operating costs of $40 bbls has a netback is $60. A big company can continue developing, but a $20 decline price may mean a small company will not be able to continue due to lack of financing and might be forced to sell. I’ve been caught in a squeeze play and survived, so this price decline seems familiar to me. Also, the 2016 US Presidential election is weighting on prices.

Hope everyone stays safe. We here in VA have heard there is a tornado coming your way. I will keep all of you in my prayers and thoughts. Take care

Deb Lynne G.—this is Cathy’s other-better-lesser half–don’t remember the dates of drilling, but got our first check June 2014 for oil that was sold June 213. Slawson, original operator, said we didn’t have clear title even tho we had received royalty money from an old vertical well back in the 70’s. In July 2013 they sold 3080 bbl and went down-hill from their. In July 2014–329 bbl. We didn’t get a check this month, they owed us less thanthe miniman, We had read on the forum that the Ruffed Grouse was the poorest well that Slawson had drilled in the Logan Co. area. Maybe better luck this time.

Catherine how long has it been since they drilled your 1st well and what type of a producer was it

Received a copy of application to OCC from Stephens to drill second well in Miss. in 20-17-03. Drill baby drill!!!

Does anyone know whats going on with this steady decline in oil prices?

Todd, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/13/us-oil-saudi-policy-idUSK…

Harley, I’m working on a project all next week and won’t be on forum, so here’s mineral forum discussions about division orders. http://www.mineralrightsforum.com/main/search/search?q=NADOA+divisi… OK

OK Tax Commission has gas and oil purchasers, but they are slow to post. Click on gross production, then public PUN search and search by your legal description, then click on production history and scroll to bottom for product codes. http://www.oktax.state.ok.us/

Virginia and Martha, Thanks for the good macro level stuff on NGL, etc. reading some about the new terminal down our way.

Curious about the details down at the well level there in Logan County. Example, well in question brought online by Osage/Slawson Exploration last September. Slawson Paying royalties for Oil and Gas. Slawson has sold their interest to Stephens Production. First royalty check from Stephens has Oil and Gas but also NGL at $34 and change.

Curiosities. What was Slawson doing with the NGL before? Where does one track the pricing?

Puzzle: Stephens now has a Transportation Charge (approx. 25%) for the gas. Nothing for the NGL or Oil.

Stephens Production took over from Slawson Production this month on well in 17N-3W. Received my first check today. Has anyone else received theirs? Stephens is showing a new entry for NGL at a price of around $34. Slawson only showed Oil and Gas on their statements. Stephens is showing a Gathering fee. Slawson never showed such a charge. Any thoughts?? Wonder what Slawson was doing with the NGL?? Also why a New Gathering charge?

Yes Harley, following the Slawson Prod. turnover to Stephens, today I received my first check from Stephens Energy. I also noticed the NGL (Type Interest) in addition to the new Gathering deduction. Neither am I understanding why some of the Net Shares of late 2013 and early 2014 are just now showing up. Makes one wonder what Slawson may have been withholding. Also, another point. I noted on Oct. 9th here that M. Barnes commented on the Stephens takeover and that we should be receiving a new Division Order and to make sure the royalty interest is correct. I don’t know if these new Net Shares would be related to such a correction or not, but to date I’ve not yet received a new Division Order from Stephens Energy who is now handling my account. Anybody have a clue?!!