Is this operational?

My grandparents purchased rights about 80 years ago and now my sister and I have inherited them. We don’t know if they are dried up, or if there has never been any drilling there. Can someone let me know the status, or help me find this information? If this area will never have activity, we are wondering if we even need to have our ownership recorded. This is the information on the deed: West half of the NW Quarter and the North half of the SW Quarter of section 17, Township 7 North, range 22 west of the Indian Meridian Thank you in advance for any help! Lisa

It is always a good idea to record your ownership as that keeps the title record clear and makes it easy for landmen to find you (and your heirs after you). You say that you inherited. Has the probated will been filed in the Greer Co courthouse? That is necessary.

The OK tax site records quite a few wells on that section over the years. Gross Production

I opened each of the “active” wells and none are in production now. Type in 17 07N 22W in the location box.

You should check the unclaimed funds at the OK treasurer’s site to see if any funds are in their names.

Just because there is no activity now, does not mean that someday, there may be some. New technologies open up new ideas and reservoirs all the time.

Thank you! I really appreciate this information. It is organized and concise. I didn’t see anything in unclaimed property. These shares came from my grandparents and now my sister and cousin and I own them. We have our dad’s living trust so transferring title should not be a problem. I spoke to the county clerk and they need a few documents. Of the 12 wells, there are still 4, but they are not doing anything. But they are there, which means that there isn’t an interstate, parking lot or shopping mall covering the entire property. That is the main thing I was curious about. I clicked on the link you shared. I put in Greer for the county. At the bottom, I entered the 17, 07n, and 22w. The results were a lot longer than the 12 line items you shared. What else do I need to input to narrow it down the way you did? Thanks, Lisa

Strange, I just typed in 17 07N 22W in the location box and got the same list I sent before. These are all the wells in the section. When you put in Greer, that was what expanded it to all of Greer. Just don’t put in a county.

Ok, thanks. I got it now!

Do you know if there is a similar page for Texas? This is a great resource!!

Search for the Texas Railroad Commission. They have a similar search system.

Absolutely, if you already have title you can create an affidavit disclosing your current address.
You really need to understand the paperwork that created your interest. Be that a Will, Trust, Deed of Affidavit of Heirship.

This post is not legal, investment or tax advice, it is for discussion purposes only. Reading or responding to this post does not create an attorney-client relationship.

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