Grady County, OK - General Discussion

What S/T/Range is it? Thank you

Well Location is Section 29-6N-6W… drilling into Section 32-6N-6W and Section 5-5N-6W

Are these wells being drilled? I don’t find any completion reports online?

Two rigs still drilling, both on their second hole.

Thank you, Don. I’m trying to stay informed!

I have been reviewing a couple of my royalty statements and am a little curious. One operator that does pass the cost of pipeline transportation charges is within a couple of pennies of the nat. gas spot price (April, 2021). Another operator that does not pass the cost of pipeline transportation charges is better than 40 cents below the nat. gas spot price (April, 2021). Thoughts?

Each operator has a contract with a transmission company-a third party or an affiliate. The contracts may be at or lower than the spot prices depending upon if they are a short term spot contract, a longer term or some other arrangement. Sometimes the long term ones can be a win and sometimes a loss depending upon supply and demand. Also, the quality of the gas going into the plant may have to be accounted for-BTU, contaminants, etc.

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Should be just about finished fracing all five of the Linton wells.

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Well Location is Section 29-6N-6W… drilling into Section 32-6N-6W and Section 5-5N-6W

Mr. Beunier, Is there a website for this map? I want to see if I could zoom in on a certain area. Thank you.

Would anybody have any recent information on CONTINENTAL RESOURCES INC activity in Sec. 15 4N 5W? Currently one well (Sinclair) in this section that we know of. We’ve received some paperwork that seems to indicate this section has plans for multi unit drilling. Wondering if anyone has more information on possibility of more wells coming on board in this section.

Thanks for any information

RJD: I own an interest in this section as well and don’t see any OCC filings to date. There should be more wells, but have no idea what Continental’s plans are.

Thanks for the updates!

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Rig drilling the Continental’s George 3-17-8XHM… Section 17-6N-6W

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Rigs drilling Continental’s George and Niswonger wells… sections 17-6N-6W and 16-6N-6W… Picture is looking Easterly…

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Hi Don, have any idea where they are on the Linton wells?

They should all have begun producing in early January, so hopefully, you should expect a division order in late June or early July. Maybe sooner…

Hey Don, thanks for posting the photos. Anything new on this Continental well?

@Don_Mecoy They have 4 rigs drilling now. Appears 3 are drilling George wells and one is still working on the Wiswonger wells.

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Thank you, sir. Always appreciate the information you share here.