Daniels County, MT - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

I found the information on state web


sec 8, T34N-R51E and sec 17, T34N-R51 are in Daniels County. the middle of the township is the dividing line between Daniels and Sheridan county according to the map in front ofme now. These coordinates would lie a little over a mile into Daniels County.

Thanks Lee for the information.

Here is a little more information on Sagebrush Resources from the state web site updated every Friday http://bogc.dnrc.mt.gov/activityletters/

Daniels Wildcat

Sagebrush Resources II, LLC Gunderson 1-8H


SHL: NW SW 8-35N-51E (2417 FSL/320 FWL) EL 2532’ GR 30566

Approved: 02/04/2013

PBHL: 13659’ SE NE 17-35N-51E (1980 FNL/660 FEL) Bakken. Is this permit a misprint and it should be in Sheridan County or is this location in Daniels County? Lee, do you have any idea where this location is?

Just received a 1099 from Shale for lease payments made in 2012. Any idea why there’s only a copy for the recipient and a copy for the my state income tax return? Why wouldn’t there be one for my federal return? Also, the 1099 says there was more than twice paid to me than actually was paid to me? Am I missing something (besides the other SEVERAL thousand dollars they say they paid me)?

If you need a copy of your 1099 you can just make a copy. If you feel you have to you can send the originals along with your taxes and keep the copies for your records.

I would definitely want to straighten out the amounts with Shale. I hope you kept copies of the checks you received before you cashed them. Worst case, report the 1099’s as tax fraud. I’ve had to do that before.

I’m wondering if Vicki’s 1099 had the wrong, overlarge, amount on it also. Two 1099’s in such a small group with the wrong amount makes me suspicious, three would make me believe it was intentional.

The same thing happened to me. The amount on my 1099 was a little more than double of what I actually received.

Bonnie, in your case, did Shale give you a draft for the amount on your 1099 and then a smaller amount by check? As long as that draft is LIVE, that is, it hasn’t been presented for payment and expired, then Shale has made CONDITIONAL payment. In the eyes of the law, a draft is as good as cash until it expires.

No outstanding draft(s). Also, my sister and I are equal inheritors and the amount on her 1099 is different in that she only received one 1099 while I received two…one that had a correct amount and the one that had the amount that was more than twice what I actually received. What in the world would Shale have to gain by committing tax fraud? Is there some benefit to them?

By the way RW, who is Vicki?

Called Shale in Houston and the person who answered the phone had obviously gotten SEVERAL of these calls. He sighed when I told him why I was calling but said he’d have it corrected and get a new 1099 sent to me. I almost had to laugh. At first he said “you can report whatever you want, it doesn’t have to match the 1099”. I said that might prove problematic but based on your post below, maybe not??

Bonnie thanks for the info. what my problem was Shale sent me more money then I should have gotten and I waited to hear from one of the landmen and I did hear so I sent the money back to the landman who called me. and he said he would send me a letter verifing that I received to much money but when my 1099 came it was not deducted. Shale office doesn’t answer and the # on 1099 doesn’t answer.

Vicki is the one that says that Shale paid her just as they said they would. You could look about three pages back and find her posts.

As for a company committing tax fraud, if people don’t report it it’s unlikely to be caught by the IRS. If they are caught they can just claim it was an error. As I said, I’ve had to turn an oil company in before. The oil company deducts what they said they paid you from their taxes, is what they have to gain.

Thanks RW. Do people really not report this income? Isn’t that pretty dangerous? If Shale reports it and the person getting the money doesn’t, won’t the IRS have you staked on a plank???

If I were overpaid I would cash the check and then send them a letter asking them where they want me to send a check for the overpayment, so I would be paid and have a record of the return of the overpayment.

Patti, did you receive payment in the correct amount after you returned the overpayment?

Shale is striking me more and more as a company not to be trusted. I really thought they were different but guess not.

Bonnie, there are people who just pay the tax on the larger amounts that they never received. In my case the amount was $9,331 that I was never paid and I wasn’t going to pay taxes on that. I never heard back from the IRS and have idea what action the IRS took.

Patti, you probably should call them to get a new 1099 too. Phone number is on the 1099.

Bonnie, it doesn’t have to all be intentional. People don’t realize how poorly business is run in the oil and gas industry, where they feel that ANYTHING can be fixed later with the writing of a check or employing a lawyer. The oil industry always claims they are poor, showing a profit of 8 or 9 % which I would liken to someone making $30,000 a year.

The difference is that oil companies are plowing the profit back into holding acres. If you were being paid $30,000 a year you might barely be making it but if you were being paid $30,000 a year and getting a free $250,000 house each and every year, you wouldn’t be doing too badly now would you? Just think of the held unproductive acres as the $250,000 house.

There is enough profit in oil and gas that they can put most problems off and any they can’t, they write a check to make it go away. They literally don’t care. They are not like smaller business where people have to make certain that everything adds up and all i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.

The lessee simply does not care. Once they have your executed lease, the only thing you can do is sue them and you aren’t likely to do that unless there are hundreds of thousands of dollars involved. The oil in the ground can be worth that much, but you already gave that away in the lease.

The lessee or operator cares not at all if they inconvenience you or cause you much aggravation. They were through with you as soon as they recorded your lease. You can’t depend on any of them to do what they should when they should.

I hope this 1099 thing doesn’t cost you too many hours to fix because to me, your time, or mine, is at least as valuable as any oil company CEO’s.

I am constantly reminded in dealing with oil and gas that “I should not attribute evil intent, to what can be explained by simple stupidity”. The thing is, if after having their nose rubbed in it repeatedly they don’t change how they do things, to me it becomes evil intent.

Bonnie, please announce if/when a corrected 1099 arrives. I won’t say it happened to you, but frequently they will tell you anything on the phone just to make you go away and not a thing happens after you hang up.