Williams County, ND 159N-100W AND 154N-101W

I own minerals that are currently unleased in Williams county, Nd 159N-100W and 154N-101W. Im currently in the process of leasing my minerals and need to know the market price is for these leases. My family has leased these in past, but have not in the past 5 years. I need some help from fellow mineral owners in the area, as to make the right decision. Everyones help will be greatly appreciated. Have a great day. Thanks ND!


The bonus amounts/acre in the ND State Auction as follows: February 2011 Auction.....T154N;103 & 104W ($4500 - 4600/acre); November 2010 Auction......T159N;101W($2000/acre). Keep in mind, that these are state auction sale figures which will be much higher than you will recieve. I have minerals in 157N;103W but they were leased back in 2008 when bonuses were much cheaper than today's rates. You might try to locate someone near your acreage for a current bonus rate or maybe someone on this board can provide the current lease rates.