Williams Co ND = CAPA wells

Any gossip on why a XTO takes so long for first payout on the CAPA field wells?

What section, township and range? The state has statutory requirements for payment timeframe or they owe interest. Usually about six months after first sales as it can take months to do all the title work for the Division Orders.

In simplest terms, its ExxonMobil. :face_vomiting: That said, I’m shocked if the Allie wells aren’t set up. This is probably about average for Marilyn, Linda, and Laverne wells. Halverson will take a while. It’s not unusual to get paid for the first 6+ months in the first check. If you have gotten a DO, then call them and ask what’s up and if you haven’t gotten a DO, then call them and ask why not. If you are feeling impatient or just industrious.

And yeah I own in 10 wells they drilled in 2020 that they still HAVE NOT FRACKED. Hahaha. My kids used to ask me if the middle name of the company was bleeping, as in Exxon bleeping Mobil.

: ExxonMobil engineer for the Bakken 2009-2017

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Thanks! So, you’ve been to Lunds Landing!

I have been past it on 1804, but have never been inside. (Immediately losing any credibility). If it gives any perspective my go-to was always Basil Asian Bistro in Williston, if it’s still open. Oil field sushi is the best.

We drilled a lot of wells out East of Watford named Lund if that makes up for it.