Williams 1-18 Pottawatomie, OK

Eagles Road Oil
Well Proposal, Williams 1-18
All of Section 18-T07N-R02E, Pottawatomie, OK
Lot 3 (a/d/a NW/4 SW/4, 40.34 acres); Lot 4 (a/d/a SW/4 SW/4, 40.54 acres); a/d/a W/2 SW/4

My mother in law received a certified letter from Eagles Road Oil asking to lease/assign her interest for $50 per net mineral acre, delivery an 81.25% net revenue interest with her retaining 3/16 royalty or 18.75% proportionately reduced royalty interest
asking her to pay this enormous amount

Anyways.... my MIL doesn't even know if she has the mineral rights. Her mother talked about leaving her mineral rights but as far as I know, there is no paperwork

My husband was asked to investigate thus why I'm here.

Any help, tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Nicole, I and several family members received a similar proposal last Saturday to lease or participate on a nearby section. We have mineral interests in southwest Pott. Co. and southeast Cleveland Co., so I follow with interest all activity in these areas. Thank you for posting and I will try to help.

While I check to see what is happening in your MIL’s section, ask that she check the list of owners on this spacing application appendix from 2008. http://imaging.occeweb.com/AP/CaseFiles/003D16FC.pdf I presume she did not receive this document, so she should check for any names from which the mineral interest could have been passed to her name. And yes, there could be paperwork that will need to be done, so this company has likely done your MIL (and her heirs) a real favor by locating her. She should look for any other family members included on the appendix, as they could have helpful information. Note that the appendix includes 3 sections (my family is in one of the sections).

I suspect that the Williams 1-18 proposal is for a rework of the existing well to test the Woodward Shale formation.

A suggestion is to join the Pottawatomie County Group and re-post your request for help, tips or suggestions. You may get more responses there. I will try to gather more information when and if you have additional questions.

Thank you! Joined the Pottawatomie County Group.

I found a name with my MIL's maiden name Hennessee... may be her mother.
Thanks so much!

Well, wasn't her mother.

I looked for names and didn't find anything related. Will have my MIL double check.

Is there any reason not to sign the document and return it?
thank you for your help

Here is my suggestion: I suggest that you hire a mineral manager or O&G attorney and let them do the investigating.

Good luck,


We didn't sign the one we received for Section 6 -T06N-R02E, which is 4 miles south. I sent an email to Mr. Harwell asking that he send an example of their lease form for my review, no reply yet.

We always attach an Exhibit with any lease we sign which includes a "no warranty of title" clause. You can use the search function within the forum using "lease exhibit", "lease addendum", or "lease attachment" to get some ideas.

I see you are getting some good suggestions from your posting on the county forum.

I think you could get at least $100-$125 @ 3/16 maybe .20 %