Why do some wells show no production on the OCC site?

I am trying to understand why some wells (that have production) show no production info on the OCC site?

An example of this is the STRAIGHT ARROW well which was completed 5 years ago. API is 3501523113.

Is there another site that I can get this info from?



This is the OK tax site. It has the sales production from each well (which is not always the same as the OCC site since it only shows gas). You can search by location here. Use a leading zero if needed.

It produced from November 2009 to April 2013. Total production from my paid source says 541,052 mcf.

http://occpermit.com/wellbrowse/ did not show the production for some reason. Who knows?????

I have comments from my personal experience which I will keep to myself, unless anyone REALLY doesn't understand the deal, here. Happy to share via pm or personal contact. And - my utter gratitude to everyone who has given so generously of their time and resources. It's a steep learning curve for a newly invested interest owner, whose rights were acquired in the late 1890's and early 1900's. As my grandfather told me often: walk softly, and carry a big stick. He said that about everything, I think.