Who's drilling in Custer County 2019?

…did Chesapeake move completely out of the county, shut down, what? Had a teensy, miniscule, look-boss-the-plane class action settlement check from them in 2016 and haven’t thought too much about it until, this may sound crazy, recurring dreams…been screwed before, stolen from and I just wanna know who is doing what to whom in Custer Co…better to know and feel a fool than bend over…any input appreciated…

Of the permits pulled in the last 150 days, the 2019 operators are Blake Production Company, Citizen Energy III, Continental Resources, Excaliber Resources, Unit Petroleum and XTO Energy for real wells. Didn’t list the salt water disposal guys.

You can search for your old wells on the OCC website and see who they were sold to. Use the surface location. Test

…much appreciated, thank you! :slight_smile: