Where do you find it

I.m new to this. What site shows drilling and planned drilling that everyone refers to? How do you search it? THANKS

i think you missed the mark alittle. its the people who can drill for between 10k and 15k per FBO/d that break even with-in 11 months. all the rest are bank debt ridden borrowing money at 36,866 per FBO/d. just because a well gets drilled doesnt neccesitate a profit.

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The Oklahoma Corporation Commission has the well records. Note that the permit is filed by surface location, so you may need to search sections nearby for long horizontal wells. Test

If your name and address are filed properly in the county courthouse, then you should receive mailings from the corporation commission on any activity pertaining to your mineral rights.

If you post your section, township and range, sometimes folks will be able to help you with activity.