When do they start drilling

Hi there im new to this , have no knowledge of how things work you know like rules or the law ,things you can and cant do have alot of questions dont know where to begin but probably should’ve figure answers out a year ago when i signed a lease

Just realized i didn’t ask any questions so my first ? Is how do i find out if or when they start drilling


With oil and gas prices so low right now, it may cause a slowdown on any drilling. It will depend upon the financial health of the operator for your lease.

Joe86, By chance are your leases with Southwestern Energy in the Liberty District of Marshall County? Our leases are with them and there is reported activity involving our mineral rights parcels. If you can locate your lease parcels on the DEP map it may indicate whether proposed permitted wells are overlaying your area. You need to know where your parcels sit on the Esri photography map on the DEP site. If you already know the well numbers you can check the reports on the site Ms Barnes noted and look for an inspection report about drilling activity. At this stage it is detective work unless you live in the local area which I don’t. We are waiting for a filed DPU (Designated Pooled Unit) report and eventual Division Order that will confirm drilling activity. That will be a while in the future. Hope that helps. I am learning like you are. Good luck.

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