What's the lease rate for net mineral acre in my area?

I recently got a lease offer of $2500. per net mineral acre in Section 26, Block 31, Twp 2 North, T&P RR Co. Survey, A-1061, Howard Co., Texas I own 20.09375 Net Mineral Acres in that area. The offer is from Grenadier Energy Partners II, LLC. What’s the going rate per lease acre in my area and has anyone dealt with this company in the past. Thank you for your help.

Hi Alison, we just signed with Grenadier for $3500 an acre. I think our property is fairly near yours. Grenadier has been fine to deal with so far.

Thank you Robert

Allison, we are aware of recent offers, in your immediate vicinity, of $4500 per acre.

Thank you guy! I got $4000 pnma I think that was fair.

Hi Allison,

I have recently been approached as well in the exact same area and I was wondering if you might be willing to speak on the phone?