What to do?

I have sent an appearance form to at least four people…3 attorneys and one judge in Reeves county to try to get my 1/3 of the property and lease in my name and out of receivership. This was done the last of August and I can’t seem to get help as to what to do next. I am trying to do this without a lawyer, so I know it is a slow go. I have and sent all the paperwork to prove I am an heir. Called and found out the judge had received the appearance for and it was filed, but because no activity has posted, it is in an inactive file. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!

You need to hire an attorney with experience in this area. He can file the paperwork in the particular form required for this cause of action. It all depends on the exact facts and circumstances with respect to the receivership. It likely took a court order to put it in place and will need a court order to end all or a portion of the receivership and distribute the assets. You may have to file a lawsuit and have the court properly serve all the interested parties, get responses from those parties, set a hearing date, and so on. It is not realistic to expect the judge and receiver to simply review your documents and hand over the property. If an estate is involved, then the court may want probate information and proof as to number and identity of all heirs.

Thanks so much for this information. I was pretty sure it would take an attorney. Hopefully none of the rest!