What has changed


Can someone tell me what has changed as our revenue statement from our lease with Silver Creek Oil & Gas had a substantial increase this last payment? WELLl: OK05-132 TOYO 10-4H Hughes County, OK

We are thrilled with the activity. The revenue summary says “Gas”, we are assuming natural gas?

Has anybody else seen this increase and can explain if this is a sign of good things to come?

(not sure where to look online to see what is happening)

Thanks :

I just saw this in the feed, but I see a date of 4/24/21. Not sure if it is old or not. Did you ever get an answer? If not, then there was a huge but short spike in gas prices in early 2021 due to a winter storm. You probably saw a good check to two, but then a more reasonable amount after that.

This is a graph of the Henry Hub gas prices to give you a general feel for gas prices over the last few years. You actual gas price in OK will be a bit different, but the trends are helpful to see.