What does: Relief Sought, Horizontal mean to a mineral owner?

What does “Relief Sought Horizontal Spacing” mean to the mineral owner?

Sounds like they want to drill wells tighter than the State designated spacing. It could mean more wells on your land, which would be a good thing. It might also mean that they want to drill close to a lease boundary, which could be a good or bad thing, depending on which side of the fence you are on.


It means that they are probably changing old spacings that were at 80 acres or 160 acres, to 640 acres in order to accommodate horizontal wells which are set at the section total. It can also mean new spacing for a zone which has never been tested before. It is a requirement before a well can be drilled. In doing so, the acres next to a lease line are protected which is a good thing. The folks that own them will get royalties for the well, but the location will not be too close to the line that it will drain acreage on the other side of the line (in theory). It means that a company is seriously thinking about drilling a well in the future.

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