Westbrook-Thompson Overriding Royalty Units?

I’ve found public records in Stephens County of Westbrook-Thompson Overriding Royalty Units. It looks like this was something that many people bought and sold during the 50’s and 60’s.

Does anyone have any idea what this is? It seems structured almost like stock shares but referred to oil and gas production.

Justin, Yes those are stock shares with ticker symbol WBTMU which were a result of a liquidation of Westbrook Thompson holding company into a partnership on July 1966. For more information PM me and I can let you know more about this company. I have to ask for your help as well how did you find the public records in the Stephens County relating to these units. ?

Who is Westbrook Thompson?

This is effectively a royalty trust

Simmons Bank out of Dallas managed these assets historically but it looks like Argent Financials’ Trust division may soon take over management

resurrecting dead thread. Need contact info on this company if anyone can help. Thanks

I would try reaching out to Argent Financial