
I have received 6 seperate bills for mineral tax from the County I live in Tarrant for 2011 and I paid them, Does this mean that I have six wells? We recently aquired the rights to our property and it goes back 5 years, but we were only paid for six wells and when I asked Cheseapeake they stated we only have 3 wells.

we have




These are what we paid on does anyone know if maybe they consider the crw_nc and crwcrw as one well, what I don't understand is why we were billed separate for them.

Anyone know anything about this I would appreiate your input or help.

Thanks Lori


I am just taking a wild guess but from what you have decribed, each of these wells may be duel completion wells.

According to the Texas Railroad Commission, there are only three wells in the Crouch B Unit (1H, 2H, and 3H) in Tarrant County, so it is unlikely that you own an interest in more than three wells. These wells are only natural gas wells (there are no oil wells in Tarrant County). As for why you have 6 separate tax bills, I don't have the answer for that. Hopefully they are just a few dollars each and nothing to worry about.

Thanks for your help, just wanted to make sure, they did send me a check for 20,000 but I think they still owe me about 15,000 because they have not transfered all of it into my name yet. But at least I know for sure there are only three. Once again Thanks

Well Name Proposed Value
13345036 Crouch -B- # 1H Crw_Nc $670
13345044 Crouch -B- # 1H Crwcrw $1,300
13378937 Crouch -B- # 2H Crw_Nc $400
13378945 Crouch -B- # 2H Crwcrw $770
60268034 Crouch -B- # 3H Crw_Nc $480
60268042 Crouch -B- # 3H Crwcrw $930

Would you consider this to be 3 wells or 6 well this is what we own and they are only paying us for 3? I am really confused and my neighbors on both sides are getting paid for 6 and they are the exact same wells we have 3 on the right and 3 on the left, so I do not understand why they are telling me I only have 3.

Lori Cervantez said:


Perhaps you should find an O&G attorney who could help you with this. If there are 3 wells in one place and 3 in another, sounds like someone messed up somewhere.

I think I would start at the county level since that won't cost you anything. There has to be a reason that your county thinks you should pay based on 6 wells.

Good luck with this.