Well locations by property address

I leased 3 properties to Colgate 2020. I have Since then sold two properties but I retained Mineral Rights One property in question doesn’t have a property Address.just legal city lot Numbers My question is how do I link address to wells currently Active. Who is the one I contact…for information?

You might try getting copies of the plat where your property was located. This should have the legal description. For Coal County see here: Plat Maps | Coal | OKCountyRecords.com | County Clerk Public Land Records for Oklahoma

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As I recall, you previously posted questions about these lots which are in Pecos, Texas. Colgate formed various MIPA units incorporating lots in Pecos into units for horizontal wells. Colgate is now Permian Resources and Permian is paying your royalties. You need to contact Permian and ask which lots are in which unit or units. Also look at your division orders to see if there is a description of the lots. The unit names are on your check detail.