I got an OCC Order #736074 document today for well DALWHINNIE 1R-5-4-3XHW. I own interest in STR 5-1S-1E so I was getting excited. I found a WELL SPUD FORM 1001A report from February 14, 2023 but no completion report. OTC has two PUN Detail reports. The both have Active Dates of 08-Jun-2023. API 049-230685-0-0000 has a PUN STATUS of Plugged and Abandoned with a Ceased Date of 08-Jun-2023. API 099-230685-0-0000 shows nothing in the Ceased Date. Should I assume DALWHINNIE 1R-5-4-3XHW has come to naught?

The “R” designation is for a redrill meaning the first well was junked & abandoned or P&A. I’m betting the 1R will show up soon with production numbers.

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Revenue from DALWHINNIE 1R-5-4-3XHW was included in my last check. Happy now! :slightly_smiling_face:

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