Well completed questions

How long does it take to receive division orders after well has been completed? When to expect first royalty check?

Welcome to the forum! In general, the Division Orders come about five months after first sales and the first checks are required by statute at six months after first sales. Sometimes, there are so many mineral owners on multi-unit wells that it takes a bit longer. If so, they may owe interest. So it works out to our benefit.

Thank you. The well was completed in November 2018. Iā€™m assuming we should be receiving them soon.

You can check the OK Tax Site and see if the well is in pay. Gross Production I usually start with the bottom hole location and then work uphole if it is not there.

Hello, I have minerals in McClain co. 8-8n-4w It has been over a year since the 4 wells they(OEG resources) have drilled have been producing. I have a lease with them at 3/16 but have not gotten anything other than a tax form back in OCT. Is it normal to take this long to get a check? Since I already have a lease will I get division orders? Thanks in advance. Andrew

It looks as if EOG has at least four good wells that include Section 8 producing since August of 2018. If your interest is of sufficient size to justify the cost, consider contacting an attorney to see what the problem is.

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