Weld County, Colorado - Leasing - 7N, 65W, Sec 21

Hello, we own 35 unleased net mineral acres. Any information on active players?

Thank you in advance for your input.

Jesse S.

Bayswater has quite a few wells permitted under Section 21. I’m surprised you haven’t already been leased.

Thank you Mr. Durrett for your help.

Bayswater looks like they are currently drilling 7N 65W Section 21. Have you received documentation from them?

Hello, Chris -

We made contact with Bayswater and they provided us with a plat that shows our acreage being pulled from the Triangle 32-22 well.

They are correct. That well does not cross under Section. They do have a bunch of wells permitted that will be under Section 21, if and when they ever get drilled. Those wells are named Calvary Farms.

Hi Jessess,

I believe they are drilling Calvary Farms right now. The COGCC reports these as Drilling (Status: DG). Rig is in 7N 65W Section 19. Well is drilled through 7N 65W Section 20 and 21. Below link is to COGCC well page.


Best, Chris