Water Tract locations

Hi again, Can anyone tell me how to pull up a map that would show the Water Tracts in Section 38, Block 33, Ward County?

Here’s Texas Railroad Commissions map of the Section I think you are referring to but don’t know what you mean by the Water Tracts.

The link to RRC’s map section is


Google “Ward County Vanguard”

Click the first option which says “Welcome to Vanguard Ward County, TX Search”

This should take you to something called “Official Public Records Search”. You don’t have to be a member to search or use it. Go ahead and put in “DR/1/117” and search.

1 result should turn up. The public map for all of these water tracts was filed in 1891 and it’s really hard to read but you may be able to match up your section with the RRC map above and then try to determine where your water tract is.

You also may want to call the County Clerk’s office in Monahans. Their offices are closed to non Ward County residents right now, so if you’re in the area don’t go there, but it’s possible that they may have an answer for you since a lot of people own in these water tracts who aren’t local.

Good luck to you. If you can’t get any better answers I have a print out of the water tracts that is more legible than the one online.

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I just realized I could probably just post the pic for you.

Let’s hope this works.

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G_R, Thanks so much for your effort. I think this will give me what I need. Have an offer to lease but couldn’t figure out what part of my holding was involved.

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