W&T Offshore Inc Activity in Terry County

Here is some information on W&T Onshore Inc. and their activity. I saw they had several permits for Terry County on the Texas RRC site so I did a little research in their Annual Report. I thought it was interseting that Terry County was noteworthy enough to report to their shareholders. I just cut and pasted the parts about Terry County from their 10-K and another article I found that expanded a little bit further. I included the links if you want to read more.

"Onshore - Terry County Prospects (WI 35.6-80%): We acquired 9,600 net acres of leasehold in late 2010 and 2011. The exploration wells targeted the Wolfberry at a depth of 12,000' with an estimated cost of $2.3 million per well. In 2011, we drilled 12 exploration wells to test and evaluate prospects. Currently we are at various stages in the completions and flowbacks on those exploration wells. Although the results are encouraging, we are still within our exploration and delineation phase. We plan to continue to analyze the data received from those wells and will most likely drill a horizontal well in the prospects prior to announcing our future development plans."


Here is the part from their Annual Report:

"Onshore, specifically in West Texas, was a very active area

for us. In May, 2011, we acquired the Yellow Rose Properties

adding 30 MMBoe of proved reserves at closing. Subsequently,

we were successful on 45 of the 46 wells that were

drilled to total depth last year. Twenty-nine wells were in

the Permian Basin on the Yellow Rose Properties and 13

wells were in Terry County, Texas. The wells drilled in Terry

County are all exploration wells and are still in the delineation

phase of the project, but initial results have been encouraging."


Many thanks, Craig, for sharing. For us newbies, this is a good 'reality check' about how long it can take for things to get going.

good stuff wt off shore is working on a water,oil ,gas line and conumucation line to be layed between wellman an denver city. craig look at baker hughes rig count site I am to busy to look at all that I would like to . thanks

Anyone know where most of these wells were drilled in the county?

You can find that out on the Texas Railroad Commission website. (Note the name is W&T Offshore Inc. - not ONshore).

http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/data/online/gis/index.php# - click on the Drilling Permit Application Query link.

In the first section, for RRC District, choose 8A. For county, choose Terry from the dropdown menu.

Go down to the bottom and for Approved Date Begin/End enter 06/01/2011 and 04/28/2012, then click Submit. Under Operator Names, you'll see W&T Offshore, click on one of the Lease Names.

That will take you to the Form W-1 Review. You'll see a general description of the Surface Location, but under API #, make a note of the number, then click on the icon of the state of Texas.

Now you're on the Public GIS Map Viewer, and there's a wealth of info available through this map. What you'll be looking at is a very close-up view of the location of the well (Lease name) that you clicked on. (I clicked on Barron 4, API # 32293.)

First, on the right-hand navigation panel, under Map Tools, click on Identify Wells. Then put your cursor inside the little blue circle at 32293, and click. (Small blue circle = permit. Note there's a Legend in the right navig. panel.) You'll get a popup titled GIS Wellbore Attributes. Click on Operator/Wellbore/PDQ to see if there's been any production yet. If there has been, keep clicking on Production Query on the popups, and you'll finally see a log of monthly production. (You can reset the dates for the query.)

To see the location better, keep clicking on Zoom Out. Caution - don't try to just 'grab' the map and move it around - it won't work - you have to use the navig. panel. You'll see solid green dots - those are active wells, and you can click on them to see their production numbers. Refer to the Legend to see symbols for dry holes, plugged wells, gas vs. oil, etc.

Derek Timmons said:

Anyone know where most of these wells were drilled in the county?

I looked up the permits with the RRC and about half the wells were 14 to 17 miles southwest of Brownfield and the other half were 14 to 17 miles northeast of Brownfield.

I have heard that production from wells west of Wellman has been very disappointing. Less than 10 bpd in some cases. Has anyone heard this?