How does one verify mineral rights to confirm and be sure they are right?
An oil and gas attorney or landman could perform that task for you.
Clint Liles
Thanks Do you know any best one and how much fees they charge for this kind of Job.
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Clint Liles
If your minerals are under lease, you can ask the oil company for a run sheet or drilling title opinion. If you are uncertain whether you own minerals and/or surface, then you can hire someone to research the title or you can go through the deed records yourself. In Texas, as many other states, the minerals can be severed from the surface and so the minerals and surface can be owned by different people. Or the minerals can be partially severed and so the surface owner may own only a portion of the minerals. This severance, in whole or in part, is very common in Texas and many surface owners have no mineral interests. The only way to be sure is to trace the title backwards, or forwards, through the deeds and see whether any one sold off the minerals or else sold the surface and retained all or a portion of the minerals. It can be expensive to trace the title if there have been a lot of deeds. You may be able to contact an abstract company and get some faster information to get you started. Some counties have many deeds on-line and other counties have very limited deeds on-line to help you in your research. If you post the legal description of the acreage, there may be someone on the forum who is familiar with that section. Or if there is production there, then you can ask the operator.
Thanks Ron
I would need more information, but that is something I handle for mineral and property owners. Feel free to contact me.
Hi Gates what kind of license you hold and your back ground to do the job please answer thanks Ron