Vanguard partners tx

Has anyone received a Mineral and Royalty Rights Purchase Offer? Just received and to contact Chasen Brown. Is this just a feeler? I have heard of no interest in my area lately.

run of the mill letter campaigner - same old story… fishing for the low hanging fruit.

Yes, I received offer letter, and I submitted form back to Vanguard (never hurts to test the water). Today I received their offer and as fjonesiv eluded it is a fishing expedition. $500 per net mineral acre (less than the lease bonus received from the previous 3 times my acreage was leased). But I will say, it is good to see that there is some interest in the area. Hoping to see some legitimate lease offers come our way.

Carolyn and AK,

What part of the county are your minerals located in?

Southwest, several miles northwest of Flatonia

Thanks for sharing. It has been a long time coming. Gotta start somewhere so, maybe this is a start. Obviously, this is a start point; but, there are a heap of other parts of a lease even more important than initial bonus money. Not sure you have even gotten past that initial offer; but, if you have, is there any more information that you are willing share? For example: Area of County Bonus time frame % sharing Anything else? I’m located on the far SW side of Fayette Co. and I’m sure these first searchers are “gas” hunters so I suspect that we will be the last to get offers. Thanks

To clarify, that “initial offer” was to purchase the minerals outright, so nothing in regards to lease terms. The only leasing reconnaissance I am aware of is as reported in this forum back in December, Rosewood Resources leased all around Flatonia in Abstracts 35, 75, 76, 167, 175, 180 and 318. I believe most or all in the Charles F Wright survey. I haven’t heard any of the terms that Rosewood is tossing out there nor have I seen any drilling permit(s) filed by Rosewood. I attempted to contact Rosewood’s contract landman but he did not return my call.

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Speaking of Rosewood, I just received the listing of Fayette County mineral lease filings from January 2023 and they filed quite a few more leases in the areas just around Flatonia – including north and northwest of town.

It appears most of those leases were signed in the latter half of 2022, but I still haven’t talked to anyone who can share what kind of terms they’ve been offering.

With the price of gas where it is right now, I’d imagine most operators in that area would be targeting oil from the Eagle Ford if they are going to drill soon, but don’t quote me on that. :wink:


I also received a call from Chase Brown from Vanguard Partners regarding mineral rights that I’m not sure if I own or not. I tried calling the “Office” back but it goes straight to a full voicemail box.

My siblings and I have also been receiving letters regarding prospective drilling.

Does anyone know how to go about confirming ownership of rights?

Listen to your words…

Something’s off, one way or another. You can’t run legitimate business like that.

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