Value of Mineral Rights

Where do I go to get an estimate of the value of 30 acres of minerals in the E/2, SE4, Sec 14, T12N, R6E Lincoln County? The property is under lease and is sort of producing: $2000 this past year.

It really depends on why you need a value? Medicaid, estate, selling, etc.

Rick Howell said:

It really depends on why you need a value? Medicaid, estate, selling, etc.
The Social Security folks, when trying to get my brother certified for SSI, determined he had too much in resources. I think they valued the minerals too high. But, hey, if they didn't we might want to sell 'em off.

Since they are producing you will need something like a certified petroleum engineer to appraise it.

I’d guess it will cost between $75 and $150 to do a single well if it not a complex unit. I can point you to someone that has done some for me if needed.

Yes, I do, and I would appreciate a suggestion. This is a new field to me.

Rick Howell said:

Since they are producing you will need something like a certified petroleum engineer to appraise it.

I'd guess it will cost between $75 and $150 to do a single well if it not a complex unit. I can point you to someone that has done some for me if needed.