
I’m looking for a possible sale my dad made of a particular property. McClain County, section 15 Township 7N Range 3W Ralph F. ELLINGER and/or Roxieann ELLINGER I can either put in my dad’s name OR the property, i cant seem to do both. Could someone show me an easier wayvto do this? This sale couldve been anywhere from 1990 to 2022, though it’s highly doubtful from 2000-2022. My eyes are blurry from trying to read documents. HELP! THANKS in advance! Susan Clark

Put in just the S/T/R and search. Then click on Modify Search and add the name. Just use Ellinger.

This worked! I tried it before but must have done something wrong. Thank you!

Use Advanced Search feature here: McClain County | | County Clerk Public Land Records for Oklahoma

Complete as follows:

I didn’t find any transfer for that legal description. Sometime legals and/or names are incorrectly entered.

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