Unpaid Texas royalties

My cousin recently received a mineral lease/division order on a gas well on her property. She bought the property in 2008 (the well was producing at this time), but this is the first company to contact her about royalties. Is there any way to go back to the companies that owned the well in the past for unpaid royalties since 2008?

She would have to ask the current operator for back pay and if not luck then ask who the last operator was and try them. She can also search for unpaid royalties through the state unclaimed funds office as they may have been turned over to the state. Always the mineral owner’s job to hunt down royalties. She also needs to make sure that the deed and her name and address are filed in the county where the minerals are located. If the operators cannot find folks, they cannot pay folks. And they do not keep track of deeds. They may have kept paying the original owner which could be a problem in recovery.

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