Trying to understand the breakdown of mineral interest

This is a continuation of a previous post but the system would not let me reply to that post. My grandfather owned 100% of 40 gross acres. The deed that conveyed an undivided ½ interest in and to all that certain tract or parcel of land, etc. to my father had my grandfathers and grandmothers name on it as the Grantors. This deed was done while both grandparents were alive. My grandparents died and left their interests to 6 grandchildren. So when we get paid bonus money for a lease it says we have a 1/8 mineral interests each in that 40 acre tract. So 6 grandchildren have 5 acres each for a total of 30 acres. So that leaves my father’s share to be 2/8 =1/4 interest in that 40 acre tract =10 acres. So here is what I don’t understand. Why does my father only have 10 acres (1/4 interest) instead of 20 acres (1/2 interest) if the deed gave him an undivided ½ interest? Thanks to anyone who can help me understand this.


I agree, sounds like the division order analyst messed up. I’d start there, hire an attorney in the state where the minerals are located if the issue remains unresolved.