Transfer of royalties

My husband and I recently purchased land and mineral rights in Grayson County, TX. There is a working oil derrick on our property. The executed warranty deed including the mineral rights and property description have already been filed with the county at closing. Anyone have an idea of how I should go about transferring the royalties to us?

Provide a certified copy of your deed to the operator of the well.

Hi, Hillary -

P. R. Kabella is right, so long if the Operator disburses the checks. Sometimes, however, that is the company or companies buying the oil and gas produced.

The Company or individual Operating the Well should be able to clarify that for you and, if necessary, provide you with the names and contact information for whoever is buying the products.

If not, then I will be happy look the information up for you.

If you will send the Operator's Name and the Name of he Well and all the numbers on the sign out in front of the Well, I will be happy to look it up for you. Let you know what's going on with it.

Charles Emery Tooke III

Certified Professional Landman

Fort Worth, Texas

Thanks Charles. I've attached an image of the sign. Any information you could give me would be great. I've left a few messages for Felderhoff. They always say they'll call me back, but I haven't heard anything yet.