Transfer from trust to beneficiaries

My mother owned some mineral rights in Dewey County in her trust, and recently passed away. I, as the successor trustee, need to file a deed transferring them to the beneficiaries. What specific form needs to be used for this? Is there a free form online? Thank you!

A trustee’s mineral deed is needed to transfer minerals out of a trust to the beneficiaries. In addition, you will need an affidavit or certification stating that you are the successor serving trustee an have of the trust. This a cover letter and filing fee will do the trick. This post is not legal, tax or investment advice. Reading or responding to this post does not create an attorney/client relationship.

Thank you. Is there a free trustee mineral deed online that I can use, vs going through an attorney?

Anyone? Can this be done without hiring an attorney and if so, where can I find a copy of the proper document?

From what I know you will need to get a lawyer to handle this matter for you ! Sorry I can’t be much more help

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