Title Requirements for OK mineral rights

My dad died over 10 years ago, in Pushmataha, OK - without a will. We were able to go through probate with the courts in Pushmataha, OK, everything was divided up equally between my siblings and myself. During the process we provided to our attorney the information on the only minerals rights that we had information on. Those details were listed on the final decree (those mineral rights are located in Garvin County, OK). In hindsight, we should have added in some type of clause that included any “unknown” mineral rights.

Now, we are up for Escheat to the State of Texas (this is where we live). The company is suggesting that we get with an O&G Title attorney to cure the title. They’re requiring: a. “title Curative” in order to get funds released b. a nunc pro tunc order and c. an affidavit of identity - my dad was a Jr., who often went by his middle name.

The attorney we used for the initial decree for probate has since retired. I believe we need an O&G Title attorney - but not sure if it would make sense to get one in TX or OK? And honestly, would be open to recommendations. When talking with the attorney - would it make sense to have them do some type of addendum to the final decree to cover any outstanding items/leases that we do not know about? Anyone have suggestions, thoughts to help us with this (hopefully) last item. Thank you!

I would suggest an Oklahoma oil & gas lawyer. Typically, almost all final orders have residuary clauses that recite that the decree is to cover all unknown or heretofore undiscovered properties. (I’d be suprised if your probate doesn’t have it, but I will take your word for it.)

Start in the state where the minerals are located.

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