Title Curative -Quiet Title Judgement

We have received a title opinion which shows our chain of title is clouded.

We have found that a previous relative conveyed interest when they legally were not the heir to the rights.

Does anyone know a good attorney in Williams County that can help with a quiet title judgment?

Try Mackoff Kellogg - Chuck Peterson or Mark Sherer. I thought their retainer a bit high however at $15,000 so now I am looking for an attorney to help us with property that was inherited by my husband and his brother. During probate, the brother who was executor listed our Hawaii address as his own address and when he deliberately defaulted on the taxes, we were not informed and my husband's brother showed at auction, paid property tax back amount due and obtained new deeds in his name only, ergo disinherited his brother. One month after he initiated new deeds from the attorney who did the probate, he turned around and began leasing oil and gas for $36,000 a year, while his 7j0 year old brother and his family begin losing our home to foreclosure after my husband lost his job. However, the brother is now threatening harm to myself and my children if we pursue. The property is in Township 156 North, Range 100 West, Williams County North Dakota and he could be putting his kid through college while we are homeless. Any suggestions?

I may be able to help. Call me at 724-948-2800 Don Ward