Three Producing Wells but no Division Order from Chesapeake

Looking for some perspective... your thoughts appreciated. My wife has three producing wells. They have been active for many months. But Chesapeake has yet to provide a division order (of course no royalties). I am wondering if others have experienced this? Is there action I should consider. I can provide additional details...

Are your wells in a federal drilling unit? If so, you are proabably being held up by the BLM. They need to approve all the details before Chesapeake issues any division orders or releases any royalties from wells. Guess what - they are way behind in Converse County. They are working through the process drilling unit by drilling unit. No word on how long it will take, but last fall I was told it can take up to to 2 1/2 years. More bad news - Wyoming takes out ad valorum taxes according to their schedule, and that is most likely before you ever receive any royalties.

Micky, thanks for your insight. Not sure if they are in a federal drilling unit. I did receive State of Wyoming documentation "Before The Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Wyoming." It is application for "authorizing and approving an allocation method for wells on the York Ranch..." It seems they are working toward some approval from State of Wyoming for the procedure testing and allocating production. But no mention of BLM.

I guess at this point I will reach out to Chesapeake to try to understand the process and what to expect.

If you hae a contact person at Chesapeake, that is better than calling Customer Care or whatever they call it. But definately try Chesapeake, that is where we got our info about this.