Things to try if you can't get connected to your old account

We have had several people who have had difficulty getting logged in to the new site. This happens when they do not know and/or do not have access to the email address associated with their account. Here are some things to try if you’re having trouble getting logged in.

Best Way: Use your email address

If you are a long-time member of the forum, you might have signed up with an email address that you no longer have access to, or do not think to check anymore. Using your email address in the “forgot password” modal will let you know for sure which mailbox to check.

Who needs a password anyway?

Another option is to click the login and click the with Email button to receive an email with a one-time URL that will log you in without a password! Also, you can log in with Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, or Twitter if the email address you use there matches the one you used on the old site.

What if that fails?

If you cannot remember (or guess) what email you have used on the old site, you can try using your username (which might not be exactly the same). You will still need to be able to receive the email in order to click the link to set the password.

What then?

If you are unable to receive email at the email address used for your account, you can email and provide whatever information you can to help us find your account and convince us that you are the genuine owner of it.