Texas RRC site down?

I know this is a holiday, but same thing happened to me late last week. Can you access it through the GIS page? If I try to do a search on Abstract, I get the usual page that comes up where you click on the county and then enter the abstract number but each time, it says "The searched feature was not found in the GIS database." Far as I know, I am doing what I have always done to begin a search for well data for a given abstract.

I have been having the same problem. Maybe they have closed it for maintenance during the holiday Monday. We'll see tomorrow.

I have had the exact same problem with the RRC website from time to time ever since I started using it. Sometimes the same thing happens when you click a well for more information. It's usually fixed the next business day.

For a free resource it isn't all that bad.

It's working this morning.