Texas Dawson county

Is there and drilling or planning to drill? Dawson county, Section 4 nw/4 block 1, J…

MBarnes got you to the right spot in the forum but it looks like you’ll need to post another detail on your location before someone can answer your question.

If I’m understanding the description you posted, you are inquiring about activity in the northwest quarter of Section 4, Blk 1. But in Dawson County there are three different surveys that would fit that same description. The J. Poitevent Surveys, Abstract 766 and Abstract 1281, and C.C. Slaughter Survey, Abstract 375.

Which one of those is your mineral interest located in?

Its the J. Pointevent. Thank you for helping with this. I’ve had these rights for sometime. The land had a well on it in the 40s.

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