Tex-Mex 1 & 2

Looking for assistance as to how to get detailed information on aforenoted well interests. It is my understanding that Lime Rock is involved as perhaps the Operator. Documentation on this interest is scant and I am trying to get as much information as possible. Thank you.

Meri Beth,

Information is very scant also on this end as you give no State, County, API number, Section #, Block # or Abstract #. Please supply the Forum Members some pertinent information and possibly someone will be able to help you.

Clint Liles

The only information that I have is Lime Rock Resources Operating sent us a 1099 for two well interests in Gaines County, TX. - Tex Mex 9 #1, well # 1620050901, and Tex Mex 9 #2, well # 1620050902.The only other information on these interests is what I see on a Revenue Summary statement and it only outlines what I have just shared. I see that the #2 well is producing both gas and oil but I don't have any other data other than what I have noted. I have sent a request to Lime Rock but since my last request took a month to garner a response, I guess I am in for another wait.

Meri Beth,

After checking the RR Commission website if find 18 approved permits for Tex-Mex wells but find no Tex-Mex9 #1 & #2....

2 pages:


They could be very old wells that don't show up on their website.

Clint Liles

Thank you. I contacted Lime Rock and they won't give me any information until they have proof that we are co-executor and so I will need to obtain a current probate documentation and then I'll push them as hard as I can for further details. They can't make this easy but we'll get through it. Thank you again.

Lime Rock Resources II-A, LP (RRC operator# 500792) operates the Tex-Mex "9" unit, which has well # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8. In April 2017, unit produced 990 bbl and 5184 mcf. May 2017, production of 1,475 bbl and 7388 mcf. RRC lease id# - 8A (rrc district) - Lease 69737. Trick in looking for this lease name is including the " signs. One question is whether production is being allocated to your interest on a well-by-well basis, rather than unit-wide. If so, you need to be able to access the well testing to see the basis of allocation.

Hi Meri Beth!

Attached is a synopsis of what I could find on the Tex-Mex "9" Lease in Gaines County.

It appears to be a 483.2 acre Lease with 7 Wells on it. The most recently reported production was in May 2017. I can send you detailed information about each Well if you would like.

One thing to make note of and to watch is the Production Graph appears to indicate that they stopped producing the Wells in April / May 2017. A typical Lease requires that there be no cessation of production of oil for more than 90 days or the Lease expires under it's own terms.

They have 90 days following the close of a business month to report production figures to the RRC, so seeing what they report next month should be interesting.

I don't know what name the interest is presently under, but the Mineral Tax Rolls for 2016 added up to 0.999898 decimal interest. The other 0.000102 decimal interest appears to fall below the County's minimum threshold for taxation.

Hope this helps -

Charles Emery Tooke III

Certified Professional Landman

Fort Worth, Texas

223-TEXMEX9INFO.pdf (1.69 MB)

Thank you so much for your help and information on this. I will admit that I truly don't understand everything at this point but then that is why we go to specialists such as yourself. I have sent a communication on to Lime Rock Resources in the hopes of obtaining further information on our interest. As mentioned in your note, I too am now curious to see if the company resumes operations or if they let it go. We received a Revenue Summary Statement but after looking at it carefully with your information in mind, it does show as reporting April 2017 revenue - it is dated 6/25/17. How can they report two months later and then let a lease lapse or expire - am I understanding this correctly? Many of our other leases have lingered over decades and sometimes we wish they would expire but naturally, not because some company decides to drop the torch and then comes back in and starts drilling again all over again with no responsibility on prior leases. Please tell me I am totally off base on this. Thank you again.

Thank you again for your reply. Our records are not complete on this asset and so I am really not sure what we have but I have procured the necessary documents now to grant me some authority with these companies to get further details - hopefully they will be cooperative.

The companies are allowed 90 days following the close of a business month to report their production figures to the State. You won't be able to see production figures for January's production until April.

They could just not be reporting production in a timely manner, which they would or will be fined for.

We would need a copy of your lease, or the lease your interests are subject to, to determine what the Shut-In Limits for oil and gas production actually are.

Companies don't ordinarily drill on unleased lands or lands where the leases have expired. If they were to do so, they would more than likely get in touch with you (or whoever has the Executive Rights) and negotiate something after the fact.