Surface Rights Question

I own 320 acres of mineral rights in Lea County. I do not own the surface. They are currently not leased, have often been in the past. No wells on them.

I got a call from a Landman who said he was working for a geophysical company that wants my permission to thump the land in case the surface owner will not agree to it. He said under NM law, my agreement would over ride the surface owners refusal. They were not offering any money for my agreement. As always, it is hush-hush and has to be done immediately.

Does this sound legit or am I being scammed?

I would love to know the location of your mineral rights. We also have mineral rights in Lea county and am always on the look out for new mineral rights that are not in use getting info from a driller.

Good luck. Again, love to know where in Lea County this is.



Two 160 acres pieces next to each other-

Sec 23 15S 36E NW

Sec 14 15S 36 E S2NW & N2SW

Seismic companies amass data for their seismic libraries for sale to oil companies. The surface owner is compensated for damages resulting from the seismic testing procedures, including the vehicles. I cannot see how this would benefit you.

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