Surface Damages in Stith

I have an active lease on my property in Jones county. When i bought the property about 3 months ago the lease had already been signed and drilling had begun so the previous owner received the check for surface damages. The oil company had issues with the first well (stuck pipe) and are now wanting to move over about 100 feet and drill another well. They called me and told me I would be issued a check for surface damages again in the ammount of $2500. Can anyone tell me if this nummber seems correct? What factors go into determining this price and is this negotiable or am i just at the mercy of whatever they want to pay? Thanks in advance for your help!

Seems awfully low. Ask them what they paid the previous owner and see if you can get a breakdown. Also ask to see the surface use agreement SUA. But sounds like they are just moving 100’ so maybe its a lower amount because they will still be using most of the original location?

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