Sunoco CRRM , Mid-Con

does anyone have any information on Coffeyville taking over payments for Mid-Con?

Happens all the time. As long as the Division Order decimal stays the same, them it is okay. Keep copies of all correspondence in your files.

I also received a DO from Coffeyville, but am concerned about all the “lease language” in fine print on the back. It seems like it changes the lease terms, and the DO does not state the terms of the lease shall remain in effect.

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Then do not sign it. Either use the NADOA form instead or just send back a letter confirming your name, address, well name, section, township and range, decimal amount and a statement that says something to the effect of you are not signing their division order and that all terms of the lease are to remain in effect.

I am (not giving legal advice), just what I would do. I have avoided Coffeyville DOs for the same reason. I have used the NADOA form instead.

Very smart. In Oklahoma you are not required to return a division order and the company is still required to pay. You need to provide your W-9 and address.

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