Suggestions for Leasing in Gaines County?

I am interested in leasing our mineral acres in Gaines County and I am being told that leasing is slowing down. 88.5 mineral acres in Labor 14, League 291, Lynn CSL, A-966

Any suggestions???

According to a quick search of Gaines County records it looks like the last leases taken in this section were two years ago to Continental Land Resources.

Yes - that is the company we had our lease with 3 years ago

Did Continental not utilize their option to extend your lease?

No - apparently they sold it to J Cleo. J Cleo did not pick up the option

CGS Operating is your best option as they are the only ones currently leasing in your direct area. They are a broker for another company, but I’m not sure which one.

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Thank you. I appreciate you looking for me

This post indicates EOG. codybee, do you have any intel on what Oxy is planning to do with the thousands of acres of minerals it has leased in Gaines county?

No I’m sorry, I’m not as familiar with them or that area. So I’m not sure what their plan is.

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How did you find out they didn’t pick up the option?