Sturgell 1720 Pad

Does anybody know the status of this EOG pad? Are any of wells drilled? Are any of them completed?

You would have to give the state, county, and section, township and range to get an answer.

Section 20, 7N4W, McClain County, OK

You can find the information on the OCC well records site above. Type in 1707N04W in the Legal Location box. The ones with 1720 in the name are the ones you are interested in. 1000 is the permit. 1001A is the spud. 1002A is the completion.

You can tell when they go on first sales at the OK tax site. I typed in Sturgell in the lease name and only the Struggle 0805 1H shows up. I expect the others are close to being finished.

Thanks a bunch. Appreciate the info.